21CSC — Natural Restorations

Over 1.8 Million Pounds (932+ tons) of Trash Removed From Arizona's Outdoor Recreation & Wilderness Areas

& 48,837 Square Feet of Graffiti Removed From Rocks & Boulders! We have planted more than 114,600 trees & cacti!

Over 23,600 hours of restoration work in nature to Military Veterans!

Natural Restorations is proud to be a 21CSC Member Organization

The 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC) is a bipartisan, national initiative to leverage public-private relationships for cost-effective maintenance and improvement of America’s infrastructure, lands and waters. The backbone of the 21CSC is a network of more than 220 regional and national organizations across the United States that partner with resource management agencies to engage America’s young adults and veterans in work-based service projects that restore, conserve and enhance public lands and waters.

The 21CSC is an easy-to-implement solution to America’s aging infrastructure. It also helps develop the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts, recreationists, and resource managers. While gaining in-demand skills through their service, Corps participants build appreciation for our country, hard work, and the outdoors. To learn more about the 21CSC, please visit www.21csc.org.