Wish List — Natural Restorations

Over 1.8 Million Pounds (935+ tons) of Trash Removed From Arizona's Outdoor Recreation & Wilderness Areas

& 49,006 Square Feet of Graffiti Removed From Rocks & Boulders! We have planted more than 114,600 trees & cacti!

Over 23,990 hours of restoration work in nature to Military Veterans!


If you would like to make a tax deductible in-kind donation or you're looking for a way to sponsor our organization, below are items that will greatly increase our impact and spread our message. You can also reach out to us to discuss other ways you can help, email us HERE or call Nicole at 480-628-3903.

Restoration Equipment Wish List - email us HERE for additional details.

M1101/1102 Military Trailer

Shipping Container for Equipment Storage at our nursery

Lighting for growing saguaro seedlings and other native plants

Shelves for storage of supplies and for saguaro growing racks for seedlings

Stihl FS240 Trimmers to remove invasive grasses in our replanting areas

Milwaukee M18 18V Lithium-Iron batteries for our invasive grass trimmers

Gloves in Youth Sizes - It doesn't have to be this exact pair, various sizes

Trash Grabbers - we always have a need for trash grabbers for our volunteers events 

Paddleboards for our Dedicated Restoration Team river and lake cleanups

Jon Boat for lake cleanup and graffiti removal projects

Skill Wish List

Site Photographers and Videographers for Volunteer Events

Volunteers with welding and mechanical skills.


Your donations help us restore natural areas across Arizona and are greatly appreciated.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations are tax-deductible through our Federal EIN: 81-4745055. 

Our mailing address is 67 S. Higley Road, STE 103-118, Gilbert, AZ 85296.

Natural Restoration is a 21CSC Member Organization