December 2021 - Bulldog Canyon OHV Area - Cleanup Project
Our Dedicated Restoration Team removed 3,480 pounds (1.74 tons) of trash, 2 tires, and 197 square feet of graffiti from Bulldog Canyon OHV Area at Usery Pass, Wolverine Pass, Hackamore, & the Bush Highway Entrance on the Tonto National Forest - Mesa Ranger District. Thank you to everyone at the Tonto National Forest Service for your support of this project!
Check out the pictures below from our project, including before and after photos.

Before & After Photos

197 square feet of graffiti removed
Action Photos
As we were driving to our next trash pile, we smelled smoke and drove around until we found this unattended fire still smoldering.

When putting out your campfire, follow these guidelines from the US Forest Service:
First, drown the campfire with water!
Next, mix the ashes and embers with soil. Scrape all partially-burned sticks and logs to make sure all the hot embers are off them.
Stir the embers after they are covered with water and make sure that everything is wet.
Feel the coals, embers, and any partially-burned wood with your hands. Everything (including the rock fire ring) should be cool to the touch. Feel under the rocks to make sure no embers underneath.
When you think you are done, take an extra minute and add more water.
Finally, check the entire campsite for possible sparks or embers, because it only takes one to start a forest fire.
Remember…if it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave.
Please take the time to completely put out your campfire, it could prevent a wildfire.