November 2021 - Part 3 of 3 Points OHV Area - Cleanup Project
Our Dedicated Restoration Team removed 15,780 pounds (7.89 tons) of trash and removed & recycled 179 tires from the 3 Points OHV Area near Tucson.
You can view Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE. In total, we remove 49,820 pounds (24.91 tons) of trash & 179 tires from this OHV area.
Thank you to everyone from Arizona State Land Department for your support of this project.
Check out the photos below, including before & after photos.

179 tires removed!!!
Before & After Photos
Action Photos

Thank you to Jason, Geri, Bruce, & everyone at the VFW Post 10254 in 3 Points for giving our entire team a safe place to camp for three weeks. Not only did they let our team stay for free when other places wanted to charge us thousands of dollars, they gave us a tab at their restaurant for food.
Thank you so for making our team feel welcome, we're grateful for your support!